Pilot Reference Center for Rare Diseases
August 31 - September 4, 2020, the first online therapeutic education group for patients with Achondroplasia.
See NoRo Center in Zalău.
8 years ago I participated in the first group of patients organized at the NoRo Center.
I liked the idea and everything that happened during 5 days: physical therapy, psychologist therapy, socialization, first aid training courses and much more.
From the following year we organized a group of patients with Myasthenia Gravis. I can say that these groups were successful, that support groups and lasting friendships were formed.
I feel at home every time I arrive in Zalău, at the NoRo Center. Thank you!
NoRo, the Pilot Reference Center for Rare Diseases in Zalău, the place where you walk is in another world, the place where you are treated to international standards by a team of professionals who work under the guidance of Mrs. Dorica Dan, who it is the heart, soul and brain of this place full of life stories. A team that knows how to give, love, protect, a team dedicated to the patient and his needs, a team that offers the warmth of a big and beautiful family.
(Read more)
It was a unique experience. I recommend everyone to use the services offered by the NoRo Center with confidence.
Pentru a prevenii răspândirea noului coronavirus, am aplicat cele mai riguroase măsuri de prevenție și igienizare pentru a proteja sănătatea beneficiarilor noștri.
Completând acest chestionar pacienții cu boli rare și aparținătorii lor ne vor ajuta să vedem situația actuală și să planificăm următorii pași. Completați și distribuiți până la data de 9 mai!
Chestionar pentru familiile care au avut persoane cu Prader Willi infectate cu COVID-19.
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